Barbara Milne
Since retiring Barbara has not only moved to Northumberland, but has taken up art seriously, having worked in and studied many media, including textiles, for the past twenty years.
Her favourite media is inks and favourite style has a tendency to abstraction or Impressionism.
She also works in oil, watercolour and mixed media.
Recently she painted figurative images of local townsfolk in an attempt to capture the dying trades of the high street of Northwest Lancashire where she recently lived.
Most of her images involve the use of bright colours and she says her influences are Barbara Rae and David Hockney.
Here's a selection of her work. See more via the links below.
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Scottish Sky
Oil on Canvas

Northern Hill
Charcoal & Chalk


Autumn Mountains
Oil on Canvas

The Moor

Mixed Media on Card

Leaving Port
Ink & Watercolour