Shankar Kashyap

Shankar Kashyap took up painting full-time after retiring from a long career as an orthopaedic surgeon. 

He developed his love of painting at school, and though largely self-taught, he has continued to paint as a hobby throughout his life, brushing up his skills at evening classes and online courses. He recently won first prize in Morpeth Art Gallery's Northumbrian Gathering competition.

Over the years, Shankar, who lives in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, has exhibited his work across the UK and in India, including the Hues of Bliss National exhibition in Lucknow in 2019. 

His interest is varied, mostly landscapes and still life in oils and watercolours. He also enjoys portraiture and abstract.

Shankar, who is also a published author of 8 historical fiction and poetry books, has donated many of his paintings to help raise funds for several local and national charities.

Here's a collection of his work. See more via the links below.


Bamburgh Castle


Moonlight at Marske


St Mary's Lighthouse

Black Beauty





Derwent Walk


Metlatoor Station

Trees in the Snow